
“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”
Lao Tzu – circa BC 600 – (pre-feminist movement) – great philosophy, despite the wording!

“Cynthia’s presentation was brilliant! She provided me with excellent information and resources. I have taken away lots of practical tools and I am motivated to go back and work with my board on our fundraising plan”.
Participant, The Board’s Role in Fundraising

“I learned more about Marketing in two hours with you today than I did working thirty-four years for the bank!”
Jim, Board Member

Let me help teach you to fish! You’ll find sample workshops in Board Governance, Fundraising and Marketing. Select one that suits your organization or we can tailor the training specifically to your needs and budget.

The best way to increase the efficiency of your organization is to ensure your staff and volunteers leaders are well trained. With diagnostic tools I will help identify gaps. Whether you pursue one-to-one training or a group effort is at your discretion. If funds are limited, consider hosting a training session that generates revenue from interested colleagues at other charities. Depending on the number registered, it could be a fundraiser for you. I am willing to accommodate whatever method works for you.

Although preferable to most people, training does not need to occur face-to-face anymore! If distance or weather conditions are an issue we can use technology to deliver important information sessions online. Through the phone and internet, a slide presentation can appear on your computer screen while I walk you through the content and answer any questions you may have – as they arise! Don’t avoid the opportunity to strengthen the effectiveness of your staff and board because of obstacles that can be easily overcome!

You’ll find a series of sessions that I’ve provided in the past on Board Development, Fundraising and Marketing. Please take a moment to review what’s available to you, keeping in mind that I will happily tailor something to your specific needs – made to measure!

[tabs slidertype=”left tabs”] [tabcontainer] [tabtext]Evaluating Your Board’s Performance[/tabtext] [tabtext]The Role of the Board in Fundraising[/tabtext] [tabtext]A 10 Step Checklist to Board Recruitment[/tabtext] [/tabcontainer] [tabcontent] [tab]

Full Day

Mirror, mirror, on the wall…” According to recommendations made by the Broadbent Panel on Accountability toward a Good Practice Guide for Governance, the board should concern themselves with 8 key tasks. One of those tasks is “Assessment and Control Systems” and includes regular evaluation of the board’s performance collectively. Before you can measure the success of anything you must first state your goals in measurable terms. This one day workshop will help board and staff leaders discover the steps necessary for an effective and positive evaluation.

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Half Day

Many conscientious volunteers join boards without completely understanding their role. Organizations are beginning to remedy that problem through orientation, job descriptions and terms of reference. However, many board members still don’t understand what part they should play in fundraising.

This session will look at the role of the board and the vital part they play as the organization’s leaders and stewards, particularly when agencies are going to the public for funds. The board’s responsibility for charting the agency’s future, setting priorities, determining the fundraising needs and then demonstrating their commitment through their donations, all affect the overall fundraising outcome.

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1.5 Hours

Considering that trustees of charitable organizations are accountable to the public – an increasingly important role given the recommendations of the Broadbent Panel and the Voluntary Sector Roundtables – how can we, as staff, help assure that our agencies have a strong leadership? Can we influence decisions around board recruitment? Come to this meeting prepared to discuss what’s hot and what’s not in recruiting new members to your board.

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[tabs slidertype=”left tabs”] [tabcontainer] [tabtext]’Til Death Do Us Part[/tabtext] [tabtext]Direct Mail[/tabtext] [tabtext]Proposal Writing – To the Right Prospect[/tabtext] [tabtext]Developing Fundraising Policies[/tabtext] [tabtext]Ethics in Fundraising[/tabtext] [tabtext]Special Events – Beyond the Bake Sale[/tabtext] [tabtext]Fundraising 101 – How to Ask[/tabtext] [tabtext]A Case in Point[/tabtext] [tabtext]Tea For Two: Building Relationships[/tabtext] [/tabcontainer] [tabcontent] [tab]

Full Day

This practical workshop will examine the importance of relationship building with your donors. Discover how to attract supporters to your agency and, more importantly, how to keep them! We’ll explore strategies for effective donor recruitment and the all important “care and feeding” of current and potential donors. Learn the basics of planned giving and strengthen the commitment between your organization and those who support its mission.

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Full Day

In this full day workshop, we’ll explore the ins and outs of a direct mail campaign. Learn about why your agency would choose this as a fundraising method, what to expect, sources of funding lists, advantages and disadvantages and how to plan effectively. When is the best time to send out letters? Discover key elements and tips in this practical exchange of ideas.

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Half Day

Good proposal writing is a challenge fundraisers face daily. It requires organizing data into an effective communication tool. What should and shouldn’t be included in a fundraising proposal? Share ideas on this interactive day and learn practical tips on how to improve your proposal writing techniques.

This workshop is not limited just to proposals. To be effective, you must understand how to research prospective donors, improve your writing and presentation skills and cultivate a relationship with prospects and supporters. You will receive a comprehensive handout complete with “Advice from Funders.”

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Half Day

Acquiring a major gift for your charity is an exciting experience. But what would you do if the donation came with unacceptable strings attached? We will explore why policies in fundraising are needed, what types there are, who should write them and whom they will affect. Finally, we will finish with a group discussion of your experience and concerns around this issue.

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Half Day

You have just had a visit from someone who would like to make a major gift to your agency. You struggle hard to raise funds so this opportunity seems very fortuitous, particularly considering shrinking government support. The only problem is, your prospective donor is a convicted felon – what do you do? In this introductory ½ day workshop we’ll explore ethical issues that arise in, what could be, the seductive game of fundraising. Learn what to watch for and take steps to avoid being lured down the wrong path. Participants should include board and staff who are currently raising funds in the agency.

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Half Day

Special events are labour intensive! Explore their role in your overall fundraising strategy. Protect your staff and volunteers from burn-out. Discover practical tips to increase revenue and raise awareness.

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Joint Session – Half Day

Have you ever wondered what seasoned fundraisers actually say when they request a gift? Do you know how to really listen to your donor? During this interactive session you will learn how to ask for a big gift for your organization. Sit back and watch Cynthia and Scott as they act out a couple of scenarios for you – or join in for some practice. Conquer your fear of asking and learn why face-to-face is the most effective fundraising method.

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1.5 Hours

Your fundraising case should flow naturally from the organization’s mission. What information must you gather before you can effectively write the story? Crafting the words to make your case informative yet compelling is a challenge we all face. Join us for this quick, practical look at “A Case in Point.”

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1.5 Hours

Strong relationships are essential to a solid fundraising program. In this session we will examine with whom you establish those relationships, what barriers you are currently facing and determine strategies to overcome those barriers. We’ll explore factors in organizational culture, leadership, volunteer management and marketing to make new connections and solidify existing partnerships.

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[tabs slidertype=”left tabs”] [tabcontainer] [tabtext]Strategic Marketing[/tabtext] [tabtext]Promoting Your Agency With Pazzazz![/tabtext] [tabtext]Creating a Winning Image For Your Centre[/tabtext] [/tabcontainer] [tabcontent] [tab]

Full Day

In this session we will determine why marketing is important. In small groups you will explore what tactics work best and report back to the group as a whole. We’ll follow-up with basic marketing essentials from the “mix” to the “exchange”. Receive a list of practical questions to ask, both inside and outside your agency, when wwweloping your marketing plan. Understand what motivates people to volunteer, donate or buy your product. Explore how you can define your services in terms of benefits and find out why good customer service is essential. A bonus in your handout will include design tips for your publications.

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Full Day

Improve your fundraising letters, brochures and newsletters! In this hands-on, full day session you will learn to be a better wordsmith and discover useful tips in graphic design. Our morning will focus on theory and in the afternoon, you’ll have an opportunity to analyse your own publications and determine how to improve them. Be sure to come prepared with sample material from your agency, roll up your sleeves and discover how to grab people’s attention.

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2 Hours

In this 2-hour workshop you will acquire tools to help market your programs more effectively and ultimately benefit your centre. Learn what questions you need to ask before you create your promotional material. Discover design tips that will make your calendars and event promotion stand out. Share ideas and experiences!

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